Category Archives: Hotel & Travel

AirBnb refuses to allow hosts to block guests

AirBnb and Uber changed the world with its sharing economy business model that allows resource owners to maximise the use of their resource (be it a car or a spare bedroom) should the resource be unused. These platforms have grown enormously in popularity over the last decade. Given that these platforms wish to maximise their… Read More »

Hong Kong to Guangzhou | Guangzhou to Hong Kong Train Timetable 香港往返廣州直通火車時間表

Last Updated 16 January, 2013 Hong Kong (Hung Hom) to Dongguan (Changping) |  Dongguan (Changping) to Hong Kong (Hung Hom) 香港(紅磡)往東莞(常平) | 東莞(常平)往香港(紅磡) Hung Hom (Hong Kong) to Dongguan (Changping) 紅磡(香港)往東莞(常平) Train No. 車次 Train Schedule 時間表 Single Journey Ticket Fare 單程票價 Depart Hung Hom 紅磡開 Arrive Donnguan 到東莞 Standard Class 一等 Adult* 成人* T812 07:25… Read More »

JIA Hong Kong

yoo is an international design studio dedicated to enhancing quality of life and adding value to development projects worldwide. It brings together the energy, imagination and focus of Europe’s most creative and respected property developer John Hitchcox and internationally acclaimed architect and designer, Philippe Starck. In an industry driven by convention, Yoo defies tradition to create extraordinary spaces that redefine the way we live.