Author Archives: Lloyds_admin

Hong Kong to Guangzhou | Guangzhou to Hong Kong Train Timetable 香港往返廣州直通火車時間表

Last Updated 16 January, 2013
Hong Kong (Hung Hom) to Dongguan (Changping) |  Dongguan (Changping) to Hong Kong (Hung Hom)
香港(紅磡)往東莞(常平) | 東莞(常平)往香港(紅磡)

Hung Hom (Hong Kong) to Dongguan (Changping)

Train No.
Train Schedule
Single Journey Ticket Fare
Hung Hom
Arrive Donnguan
Standard Class
Adult* 成人*
T812 07:25 08:36 HK$ 145
T824(Ktt) 08:15 09:25 HK$ 145
T820 09:24 10:35 HK$ 145
T804 10:52 12:04 HK$ 145
T826(Ktt) 13:11 14:21 HK$ 145
T818 14:32 15:44 HK$ 145
T810 16:35 17:47 HK$ 145
T828(Ktt) 18:00 19:10 HK$ 145
T816 18:44 19:56 HK$ 145
T802 20:01 21:13 HK$ 145

Dongguan (Changping) to Hung Hom (Hong Kong)

Train No.
Train Schedule
Single Journey Ticket Fare
Depart Donnguan
Arrive Hung Hom
First Class / Standard Class
Adult* 成人*
T801 09:03 10:17 HK$ 145
T807 09:48 11:02 HK$ 145
T813 10:39 11:53 HK$ 145
T823(Ktt) 11:21 12:33 HK$ 145
T809 14:48 16:02 HK$ 145
T825(Ktt) 16:22 17:34 HK$ 145
T815 16:58 18:12 HK$ 145
T803 18:17 19:31 HK$ 145
T819 19:04 20:18 HK$ 145
T827(Ktt) 21:14 22:26 HK$ 145

Foshan 佛山
Hong Kong (Hung Hom) to Foshan
Origin / Destination
出發地 / 目的地
Departure Time
Arrival Time
Kowloon, Hong Kong / Foshan
九龍, 香港 / 佛山
T804 10:52 13:47

Guangzhou (East)

Hong Kong (Hung Hom)  to Guangzhou (East) |  Guangzhou (East) to Hong Kong (Hung Hom)
香港(紅磡)往廣州東 | 廣州東往香港(紅磡)
Timetable and Fare Information (in HK$ & time)

Hung Hom (Hong Kong) to Guangzhou East

Train No.
Train Schedule
Single Journey Ticket Fare
Depart Hung Hom
Arrive Guangzhou
Premium Class
Standard Class
Adult* 成人*
T812 07:25 09:24 HK$ 190
T824(Ktt) 08:15 10:12 HK$ 230 HK$ 190
T820 09:24 11:23 HK$ 190
T804 10:52 12:51 HK$ 190
T808* 11:32 13:26 HK$ 190
T814* 12:23 14:17 HK$ 190
T826(Ktt) 13:11 15:08 HK$ 230 HK$ 190
T818 14:32 16:31 HK$ 190
T810 16:35 18:34 HK$ 190
T828(Ktt) 18:00 19:57 HK$ 230 HK$ 190
T816 18:44 20:43 HK$ 190
T802 20:01 22:00 HK$ 190

* Trains will not call at Dongguan Station
* 列車不會停經東莞站

Guangzhou East to Hung Hom (Hong Kong)

Train No.
Train Schedule
Single Journey Ticket Fare
Depart Guangzhou
Arrive Hung Hom
Premium Class
First Class / Standard Class
T801 08:19 10:17 HK$ 190
T807 09:04 11:02 HK$ 190
T813 09:55 11:53 HK$ 190
T823(Ktt) 10:37 12:33 HK$ 230 HK$ 190
T817* 12:03 13:56 HK$ 190
T809 14:04 16:02 HK$ 190
T825(Ktt) 15:38 17:34 HK$ 230 HK$ 190
T815 16:14 18:12 HK$ 190
T803 17:33 19:31 HK$ 190
T819 18:20 20:18 HK$ 190
T827(Ktt) 20:30 22:26 HK$ 230 HK$ 190
T811* 21:32 23:25 HK$ 190

* Trains will not call at Dongguan Station
* 列車不會停經東莞停


Hong Kong (Hung Hom) to Zhaoqing
Origin / Destination
出發地 / 目的地
Departure Time
Arrival Time
Kowloon, Hong Kong / Zhaoqing
香港, 九龍 / 肇慶
T804 10:42 14:29


Vertex Funds – Wine Investment | Arbitrage Fund | Alternative Investments

Vertex Asset Management group specializes in alternative investments. Our GOAL is ‘To provide the best alternative investment portfolios targeting on delivering superior absolute return’.

富滙資產管理集團專注於另類投資。我們的目標是‘提供最佳的另類投資組合,實踐卓越的絕對回報‘ 。

8 December, 2009 Hong Kong – Vertex Asset Management Group (“Vertex”) are proud to announce the launch of their website ( A feature-rich presence through which users can browse and peruse information about funds managed by Vertex and learn about who Vertex are and what they do. All information are mirrored in Traditional Chinese and English rendering it accessible to a wider demographic and Vertex’s new brand identity purveys all communication. Users are reminded that they must agree to the disclaimer ( before they can browse the contents of the website. Vertex wishes users an informative, useful and enjoyable experience.

2009年12月8日,香港 – 富滙資產管理集團 (“富滙”) 很榮幸地宣布推出其網站 (。通過這個功能豐富的網站,用戶可以瀏覽並仔細閱讀有關富滙旗下的基金和了解富滙是誰和做什麼。所有的資訊都有繁體中文及英文版本,希望能獲得更廣泛的接觸面而富滙的新的品牌標誌可以展現有關信息。提示用戶,他們必須同意網站的聲明 (才能瀏覽網站的內容。富滙希望為用戶提供一個內容豐富、實用和愉快的體驗。

Mag:net Review Hong Kong – usenet providers review site

Mag:net is a usenet providers review site based in Hong Kong. Built by the collaboration of a tech-savvy graphic design consultancy and web production company. Mag:net exists to connect equally shred urbanities out there to the brilliance and prowess of Usenet.

Until recent times. Usenet providers were only interested in serving and building US and European customer bases. Now, at long last, at least one provider is turning their focus to Asia. Giganews, for instance has just assembled their first cluster servers in Hong Kong.

So Mag:net thought it was high time to introduce this brilliant internet tool to our fellow citizens, particularly those who, like us, are based in Asia. Imagine world wide web had existed for sometime and you don’t have a clue what it’s about? Surely you don’t want to fall so far behind…

To help introduce you to the Usenet world, we’ve put together a site that offers simple, easy-to-understand advice written with a friendly, straight-to-the-point tone and manner.

Setting Up Business in China – A to Z

As a foreigner or a foreign company, china offers a number of business setups/entities and the three most common ones are:-

(1) Representative Office (Rep Office)
(2) Wholly-owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE)
(3) Joint Venture (JV)

The simplest is the Rep Office and it can setup in 4 – 6 weeks. Many businesses first setup a Rep Office and then upgrade it to a WOFE after a couple of years of operation.

We will talk about our experiences of setting up and running a Rep Office in China and aim to give an objective perspective of the advantages and disadvantages and most of all what you need to be aware of before making any decision

Lets start with the positives which are the there are a lot of very talented people here who are willing to work hard and to hire somebody with the same skill set in a industrialised country it would cost you 3 times more and the resource-base is very large. Industries such as technology, IT support, design, administration and other service industries are all prospering here.

However, you must be aware that there are a lot of hidden costs that we were not aware of before we started and it is very aggravating when the accountant calls up from time to time to tell you of certain charges that were not made known to you from the onset. Expect random charges of small amounts always.

For a Rep office, you need to budget for the following – these are the minimum basic costs:-


Rent an office space  –  RMB 30,000 (2 months deposit + 1 month advance) assuming that office rent is RMB 10,000 / month
Estage Agent Fees – RMB 5,000
Legal Cost – RMB 10,000
Job Ad Costs – RMB 5,000

Equipment + Furniture + Fittings – It is generally slightly cheaper for furniture and equipment

You need to find a location that allows you to register as commercial address; it is no longer possible to use a designated residential address for commercial-purposes now. It used to be but not anymore.

And you will need to produce a fair amount of documentation for the setup of the rep office and don’t be surprised when you are asked to produce more documentation even if you have tendered everything on the list that your accountant gave you.

Monthly Costs

Accountant – RMB 400
Office Rental – RMB 10,000
Cleaner – RMB 500 (twice weekly cleaning)
Broadband – RMB 400
Office Management Fees – RMB 400
Water + Electricity – RMB 500

Hiring Staff Costs

If a person is making RMB 5,000 a month – you will end up paying about RMB 8-9,000 month and here is how it works.

RMB 5,000 – Base Salary
Housing Fund – RMB 400
Insurance and Tax – RMB 1500
FESCO Fees – RMB 300

Total Payable – RMB7,200 / month

Foreign companies have to hire staff through a hiring agent that charges RMB 300 or so per staff hired and you must remit salary payments to this company every month for the payment of staff.

For severance pay, for each year that they work in your enterprise, the severance is an additional month. Hence if a staff works for 5 years and you fire him/her – then you are liable to pay a severance pay of 5 months.


In addition, for a rep office you will be taxed a percentage on your monthly expenses – which is absolutely ridiculous because you are taxed on tax paid.

So, if your total overhead for 1 month is RMB 100,000 then the government will multiply that amount by 1.15 – assuming that you are making 15% profit based on your expenses and calculate 8% tax based on that.

For monthly overhead of RMB 100,000, you will be taxed 8% of RMB 115,000 which is RMB 9,200 a month and this amount will be directly deducted from your bank account every quarter. And no, you will not receive any receipts or notification; you will simply notice that money has disappeared from your bank account.

Other Charges

Every year your accountant will charge you RMB 1,500 for tax report preparation and there will be other social insurance report charges of about that amount that you will need to pay. We were charged again for another RMB 1,800 + RMB 500 to the government for some sort of license agreeement renewal a couple of months later.

The critical mass for setting up an operation I believe is if you have a team of about 10 or more and then all of the costs become proportionally more digestible.

Hope this helps you to better understand what is involved with setting up an office / business here in China. Please write comments below and we’ll try to field any questions you have.

Cpanel Settings Configuration Directory

Keywords : cpanel, configuration, settings, directory, stored where, backing cpanel, directories, file storage, physical storage, back up

Here are the directories and files that need to be backed up or synchronised for the the Cpanel configuration and its accounts to migratable.


/usr/local/frontpage/ /usr/local/frontpage/




Apache 1.3.XX

/etc/.my.cnf or /root/.my.cnf

Data (/home)


I hope that this useful to people, please let us know if there are directories or files that I have left out

Tajima Hong Kong

Tajima Embroidery Machines Ltd. (TEML), established in 1984, is an authorized distributor of Tajima Industries Ltd, Japan (TIL). We distributes multi-head embroidery machines in China, Hong Kong and Macau with strategic focus on offering professional services and advancing technology. In 1995, TEML got technical support and special know-how from TIL in producing the first knocked-down version of embroidery machines that are as equivalent as TIL’s models in views of standard qualities. These embroidery machines have ever received positive comments through China. In 2004, first chenille and standard embroidery mixed machines are assembled and launched. They have released customers from the limitation on import quota ever since.

To enter Tajima Hong Kong please click.

Mediaworks Asia

MediaWorks Asia Limited came into being because of need.

Asia has changed so have the needs of publishers worldwide.

With the historical “handover” of Hong Kong in summer of 1997 came the end of an era. Compounded by the financial tremors in Asia starting in August 1997, Asian business changed forever.

These market forces were the motivating factors behind the formation of MediaWorks Asia. A Hong Kong based, media sales company.

Media representative companies were plentiful. Expatriate labour was available and relatively inexpensive. Publisher’s representatives were mostly outposts of European and American media companies looking for a place to plant their flag in Asia. All this changed in the last years of the twentieth century. Business quickly dried up. Many companies went bankrupt. Tourism went from boom to bust and many of the regional currencies precipitously lost value overnight. Media representative companies closed, consolidated or sold-out and their principals left Asia.

To enter Mediaworks Asia please click.

Capital Logistics

Today fast paced business world demands professional, reliable and experienced freight forwarders with broad local and regional knowledge and an extensive international network.

Capital Logistic & Transport Company Limited represents the BEST CHOICE for comprehensive freight forwarding services and COST EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS to logistics and supply chain challenges.

We are committed to providing VALUE-ADDED freight and logistics solutions to our customer worldwide.

To enter Capital Logistics please click.

Sin Sin Villa

Our three luxurious villas are nestled into a dreamy compound surrounded by rice paddies. They are the creation of Hong Kong based designer Sin Sin in Collaboration with star-architect Gianni Francione. The beaches are close and so are temples and Bali’s stunning culture.

The three grand villas (1000 square meters and two bedrooms each) are furbished with artworks picked by the owner. They have their own private spacious pools.

To enter Sin Sin Villa please click.