M1 has expanded by 400% since 2008. The federal reserve along with the American bankers have effectively caused all the grief around the world; what surprises me is that not a single banker has been jailed. Such is the injustice of the world.
99% of the money that the Fed printed went to banks like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and the usual suspects… All the fines that the federal reserve imposed on the banks over the last few years were all just a big show because the banks paid them with the very printed money that the Fed had just given them…. In order for this cosy setup to continue working, an allocation of the printed money went into the manipulation of the rate of inflation. Why? Because under normal circumstances if you print money inflation goes up. So how did the Fed manipulate the rate of inflation?
The posted inflation rate in the US for 2016 was 2.1%; so how could inflation be at 2.1% when money supply had expanded by 400% over the last 9 years. Simple. The calculation for the rate of inflation is inherently flawed because it is based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which measures the price changes of a number of goods and services bought by consumers. Unfortuatenly, this figure can be manipulated by artificially lowering the price of certain commodities so as to give people the illusion that inflation was under control.
Keeping oil and commodities like gold and silver artificially low has allowed the Fed and its cronies to continue their cosy arrangement of printing money and screwing everyone over whilst polarising the world’s wealth. In 2009, JP Morgan shorted the silver market with US$ 20 billion and suddenly a massive drop in the silver price was evidenced even though the consumption of silver remained constant throughout the period.
The recent hoolaballoo with North Korea has added a twist to the Fed’s grand plan because suddenly people are flocking to gold and silver and this is our chance (“us” the people) to take a swipe at the establishment by buying physical silver and gold so that suddenly the shorts will be caught with their pants down by precipitating a massive shortage of physical silver and gold.
If every person in China just bought 1 oz of silver; the federal reserve and the US monetary system would blow up. That is all it takes.
I will start by buying 100oz tomorrow as I see silver finising the year at US$30/oz.