Monthly Archives: June 2011

High Speed Train Timetable | 高铁时刻 時間表

Price for a ticket as of June 2011 is 490 RMB for second class and 780 RMB for first class and this is for a single ticket from Shanghai.  The trains stop many times in the middle; so most of the time the train will stop in ChangSha (which is the capital of Hunan) and other smaller cities and the price of the ticket would be less.

It’s been hard finding the train timetable for the new high speed train running from Shanghai. Please find below the information you need:-

To ascertain where each train stops you can check out the official website below:-

G4824/G4825 經停站 高速 1 始發站 01:00 上海虹橋 武漢
G4828/G4829 經停站 高速 1 始發站 01:20 上海虹橋 武漢
G4751 經停站 高速 1 始發站 05:01 上海虹橋 懷化南
G4761 經停站 高速 1 始發站 05:22 上海虹橋 南昌西
C3001 經停站 高速 1 始發站 05:30 上海南 金山衛
G4765 經停站 高速 1 始發站 05:56 上海虹橋 萍鄉北
G7032 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:00 上海 南京
G9232/G9233 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:00 上海虹橋 合肥
G4738/G4739 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:05 上海虹橋 漢口
C3601 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:08 上海南 金山衛
G7034 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:18 上海 南京
G7162/G7163 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:25 上海虹橋 六安
G456/G457 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:25 上海虹橋 榮成
C3651 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:27 上海南 金山衛
G7331 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:30 上海虹橋 杭州
C3003 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:40 上海南 金山衛
G1381 經停站 高速 1 始發站 06:49 上海虹橋 南昌西
G7002 經停站 高速 1 始發站 07:00 上海 南京
G102 經停站 高速 1 始發站 07:00 上海虹橋 北京南
G7501 經停站 高速 1 始發站 07:00 上海虹橋 蒼南

How to deal with drug-resistant E Coli?

Escherichia coli (E coli) is one of the most common bacteria in the world and is one that we know most about.  The discovery of penicillin in 1928 by Fleming drastically reduced deaths caused by bacterial infections and was then a major breakthrough in the world of science and biochemistry.

Drug-resistant bacteria pose a real threat to us in the way that it is possible that one day there will be no bacteria susceptible to anti-biotics and we would effectively revert to the days prior to the discovery of penicillin. This potential outcome is worrisome to many scientists.

I have outlined here a number of more natural methods of killing bacteria that have used in the past that remain effective on drug-resistant bacteria.


Ozone is tri-atomic oxygen and is extremely unstable; however it is also a very potent bacteriacide. It is often used on an industrial scale to kill bacteria and fungi but more and more it’s finding its way in the household.  Ozonators can easily be purchased online and can help to kill all germs in water and the great advantage of using ozone is that the ozone degrades into Oxygen and does not leave any unwanted chemicals in the water.  Ozonated water can also be used to wash vegetables which has the effect of killing germs in the vegetables.  Ozonated water will retain its anti-microbial properties for about 20 minutes at room temperature before the ozone dis-integrates to become oxygen.

You can do a simple Google search to find a home-use ozonator.


Silver has always been known to have anti-microbial properties and in the past some people put a silver coin in a water jar to keep the water dis-infected. Silver compounds are also used in wound dressing to reduce the chances of wounds becoming septic. Its use as an antiseptic dates back many centuries and was suspected to have been adopted independently by different civilisations in history. Silver Ions and Colloidal silver have been shown to exhibit anti-microbial efficacy.